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Family values: rising trend of court marriages rings alarm bells

29 Aug, 2011

The trend of court marriages is increasing from the last few years especially in urban areas, which are giving an ultimatum to the citizens of Islamic country to save their family values from degeneration.
Revolutionary progress in media, increased usage of Internet and impact of bold programmes on different TV channels has undoubtedly contributed in developing the personality of youth but also kept them away from the real moral values and family traditions.
Most of the movies and plays available for youth carry the theme of 'love affairs' lack depiction of moral values and family norms and traditions according to the teachings of religion and make their personalities confused. "Majority of the court marriages prove as the outcome of emotional decisions when realisation came and very few of these go in a long way. To discourage this emerging trend, there is a need to educate youths about the importance of family circle and values", Mahjabeen, a housewife said while talking to APP.
Youngsters at the emotional stages of their lives take hasty decisions against the will of their parents and most of the time realise their mistakes after they have started their practical lives," she said.
"Even the media sometimes projects trend of court marriages saying it is most economical and easiest way of marrying some one in the present era of inflation and other crisis faced by the citizens which is absolutely wrong approach". "No parent can ever imagine spoiling the life of his son or daughter and taking any wrong decision about his or her life," she added.
"Court marriages, most of the time results in break-ups, which ruin the lives of those who take such decision at emotional stages of their lives", she said.
A young boy Amir Raza said, "Sometimes parents fail to understand this point that mental understanding is essential for the survival of life partners in marriages and if they don't have the capability to understand each other, they have to spend the life of compromise". There is a stereotype attitude of parents when they some time take decisions to marry their children with the offspring of their sisters or brothers only to oblige them without realising their differences. Then, the only way left for the youngster is to go for court marriage, he added.
It is worth mentioning here that the number of court marriages has increased in the capital also like other parts of the country and most of the couples go for court marriages are the users of Face book, twitter, Hi5, Orkut, and other social networking web-sites.

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