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Infrastructure of industrial estates Rs 170 million to be spent on improvement

29 Aug, 2011

The Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) has evolved a comprehensive plan for the improvement of infrastructure in existing small industrial estates functioning across the province.
Official sources told Business Recorder here that during current fiscal year more than Rs 170 million would be spent on infrastructure programme in the province. Under the programme, Rs 74.0 million would be spent on improvement of roads, drains, etc, in Small Industrial Estates-1 and Small Industrial Estate-2 in Gujranwala.
Last year, special attention was accorded on the improvement of min- industrial estate Daska and more than 80 percent development work on roads and drains was completed, while remaining 20 percent work would be accomplished within three months.
Apart from this, PSIC had also established cluster development centre for Agriculture Implement Development Centre in mini industrial estate Daska to facilitate the business community engaged with manufacturing agriculture tools. Daska is a hub of agri-tools and producing quality agricultural machinery and this cluster centre set up in mini estate Daska would help the manufacturers engaged with agriculture machinery production to further improve the quality of machinery sources said.

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