Lakhra coal

23 Nov, 2011

We regret to note here that, government of Sindh's report is inaccurate in its findings. We came here to Pakistan to a land that needed foreign investment and knowledge, which was expected to provide us with law and order for our overseas directors and workers.
We have no Coal ROM (run of mine) please arrange supply of coal, arrange lease coal deposit mines in Lakhra, then please provide us with law and order, eliminate terrorism, good business ethics and a workable environment, with the support of the Sindh and the Federal government, this is all a foreign investor is looking for, not to abandon us at everyone's mercy.
Give us one incident where Coal and Energy Department, Government of Sindh or the Federal Government gave us official or unofficial support to this project over the last six years. No one can deny the fact that our investors have invested US $10 million in Lakhra, Sindh, Pakistan as Pak Energy (Pvt) Ltd, which is recorded at the State Bank of Pakistan. Please also see Government of Sindh's report and statistics on the law and order in Pakistan.
Please get a list of the mine owners at Lakhra and check them out, they have secured coal leases by bribes and political favours, these mine owners have not invested in mining except coal mining from rat holes. They are only exploiting the poor mine workers by developing rat holes for manual hand-cutting and retrieval of the ROM (run of mine) coal, the miners also exploit the government bodies and organs. Pak Energy is the only group who has invested in the Lakhra mining area. Government mines are contracted out, what has been taking place at Lakhra at the hands of your so-called contractors operating the mines on behalf of the government and your so-called local coal miners can be determined by a complete technical and financial audit by an independent company from outside Pakistan. Please do check your records on taxes, royalties paid to the government and FBR. The mining in Pakistan is coal ROM (run of mine) Coal 7-8 million tons per annum, so where are the taxes/government revenue? For your kind information, today, the government's ROM (run of mine) coal price is Rs 2,230 PMT or by volume and the artificial prices set up by the Lakhra coal miners is Rs 6,030 PMT or by volume.
We also invite you and your department to London you can meet our investors under the eyes of the UK government, Consul General of Pakistan Embassy and we can work out a transparent strategy, to resolve all the issues of the nation's fossil fuel reserves and how to exploit it for the benefit of the nation.
Since contractors are too strong and you cannot remove them from LCDC and PMDC, the other suggestion is that you merge Pak Energy with LCDC, PMDC, Fateh Mines and or arrange to take over Pak Energy's assets and continue with this project and develop your nation's fossil fuel reserves for the benefit of your nation's energy needs and or cancel the present leases in Lakhra for mine owners, kick out the corrupt contractors and hand over these coal deposit leases to Pak Energy and other investors to wash, process and market the fossil fuel product, this will increase local employment, save foreign exchange reserves spent on coal import and eliminate the corruption at mines like LCDC, PMDC and Fateh.
One simple solution is that the Federal and Sindh Government should arrange its various departments, to come together with, the ISI, Military Police, FIA, so an organised strategy can be developed to control the nation's fossil fuel reserves and its usage for the benefit of the country, not for benefit of few rich coal miners and their contractors.
Being foreign investors, who are at your mercy in your country, which is hostile to us, we do not wish to play the blame game, it is very unsafe for us to live here any longer. We are also willing to re-export our plants from Pakistan as you have declared them unfit to operate in Pakistan and the six years losses made in your country, due to your problems, you can compensate our investors and we can leave this country. We in the UK must make similar barriers towards Pakistani investment and citizens as we have faced in Pakistan to have a level-plying field.
The Russian President Putin during financial crisis in his country offered foreign investors an honourable exit from Russia if they were unhappy about Russia, and now this is the main reason most banks and investors return to Russia, why doesn't your government offer the foreign investors same conditions and the ones who want to suffer can stay and others can go away with honour, as you and your government invite us but provide us with no support. Please visit Google and search Pakistan in detail, the world's impression on your country's economy, law and order, safety for foreigners and foreign investment made in the country.

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