APML convention urges Musharraf to return to Pakistan

23 Nov, 2011

A convention of all chapters of All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) from Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, United States, Canada and Europe started here on Tuesday. The purpose of the convention was to get feedback from all the Chapters of the Party to better organise it and lay down future line of action.
One of the most important features of the convention was that all APML chapters unanimously requested former President and APML Chief Pervez Musharraf to return to Pakistan and join country's political mainstream activities. In his Keynote address Pervez Musharraf again reiterated that he would return to Pakistan on or before March 23 next year and take charge of the party's affairs in the country.
He further said that his opponents were trying to scare him off by filing false cases against him with mala fide intentions. The delegates of the Convention deliberated on the political situation in Pakistan; the serious challenges being faced by the country and to focus on developing a viable political strategy for the success of the Party in the next general elections.-PR

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