Balochistan: perceptions and propaganda

28 Nov, 2011

The effort of the government to bring peace and stability in Balochistan is paying off. The Baloch people are realising that there are a few negative elements playing into the hands of foreign conspirators and creating problems in Balochistan. These perpetrators of the problems themselves flee to other countries of their patrons, living a luxurious life while the common man suffers.
No one of the so-called leaders is there to wipe their tears and provide them justice. When the realities are known, it becomes easier to find ways to adapt and adjust. The innocent Baloch people now understand the game plan of the propagandists and are trying to reject the slogans of the people depriving them of their rights and suppressing them for their personal benefits. The Balochs now understand that the development of their province is of basic importance for their prosperity. The developmental plans of the government and the reconciliation efforts are a solution to their sufferings.
The interest of the Baloch youth in joining the army is another indicator that the Balochs are going to rise as disciplined, educated and true patriots of Pakistan. The people of Balochistan need all necessities of everyday life. They have equal rights. Education, health facilities and the provision of jobs is going to open up their minds towards positive thinking, leading to unity and solidarity. The Baloch people are themselves going to be a strong defence against those who think and act negatively in Balochistan.

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