Qaim vows strong measures to combat criminals

29 Nov, 2011

Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Qaim Ali Shah Monday said that all out preventive, protective and precautionary measures will be ensured to combat criminals, anti-social elements and mischief mongers during the month of Muharram-ul-Haram.
This he directed while presiding over a high level meeting held at Chief Minister's House to review the law and order situation prevailing in the province of Sindh particularly Karachi. The CM observed that the month of Muharram-ul-Haram is very sensitive and anti-social elements, criminals and anti-state persons will make efforts to disturb the peace with their condemnable acts. He stressed upon police, Rangers, and other law enforcing agencies to the foil the attempts of spreading religious hatred. He further directed that all effective preventive and protective measures be ensured to take stern action against those elements.
Qaim strongly condemned the Sunday firing incident and termed it entirely worst effort to disturb peace and harmony of the country. He ordered inquiry of the incident and said that effective action will be taken against involved persons and those who made negligent attitude towards the situation.-PR

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