Partly Facetious: DSK may be a victim of conspiracy?

29 Nov, 2011

"Do you remember Dominique Strauss Kahn (DSK)?"
"Of course - he was the former IMF chief compelled to resign because of the scandal with a maid in a New York hotel."
"Well, it was a hotel based in New York, but it was a French hotel chain."
"Can you imagine any of our politicians or bureaucrats supporting a Pakistani hotel abroad?"
"I wasn't aware that any Pakistani owned a hotel chain. Our industrialists are into textiles and banking and..."
"OK, so do you know anyone of our rich politicians or generals or indeed other groups who get paid from our tax rupee actually putting their money in a bank with Pakistani ownership?"
"In the past there was the BCCI which understood the unique requirements of the Pakistani rich."
"Don't be facetious. At present there is no such bank, though most of our national banks do support our politicians need for loans."
"Even foreign banks specifically Swiss banks do reveal data when asked."
"True, but then you need government engagement to get the account name and amount and as there is zero Pakistan government engagement to get this information for tax purposes so nothing happens on that front."
"And yet our politicians accuse each other relentlessly for having foreign accounts that have more to do with commissions and timely suspension of SROs and..."
"OK, but going back to DSK I just wanted to let you know that a new book based on video footage from the hotel reveals that he may have been a victim of a conspiracy sourced to Sarkozy."
"Given that DSK was expected to win the elections against Sarkozy the allegation may have some merit."
"There is evidence to suggest that DSK was warned that a conspiracy to defame him had been hatched in the Elysee palace and his blackberry, still missing, was the source of the leak and he had already requested that his blackberry be examined before the incident; and the maid went into a room next to his several times and has not been able to explain why and..."
"But DSK admitted what he did with the maid."
"Go back to the Clinton depends on how you define with."
"So you reckon Sarkozy played dirty."
"Absolutely but the dirty was cleverly done and within the realm of the believable. DSK had a history of liking women shall we say and you know the media was fully aware of it."
"There is another scandal implicating him in Lille France where a prostitution ring..."
"Correct, but he is going to court now against all those including someone close to Sarkozy."
"Ah yes, that is necessary. I would hope our own politicians would not only threaten court action but actually go to court."
"You referring to the case of the prodigal ambassador?"
"They are all prodigals - from the leader to the hangers on."
"Ah yes, but in our case accusations are flying all over the place and no one seems to be going to court."
"Necessitating suo motu but really there is a need not to put the onus on the courts and..."
"But there are so many more important negativities in Pakistan today - from inflation to energy crisis to..."
"A government has to not take action against one negativity at a time but against all and at once."
"That is good government."
"Ah yes."

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