Senate body to discuss 'memogate' affair

30 Nov, 2011

The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs will discuss the controversy of 'memogate' in its meeting to be held on Wednesday here at the parliament house. The meeting has been convened on a single item agenda to discuss the situation emerging from the article published in the Financial Times by a Pakistan born American businessman Mansur Ijaz in relation to the memo sent to Admiral Mike Mullen, US former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The panel with Salim Siafullah Khan in the chair would get briefing from concerned government officials including Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar on the developments so far made following resignation by the former Pakistan Ambassador to Washington Husain Haqqani.
Though, the meeting has been convened on a single item agenda of the memo controversy. However, the committee sources said that it would also discuss the recent attack by Nato/Isaf in Mohmand Agency in which two dozens Pakistani security forces personnel lost their lives while a dozen other were injured.
Sources said that the panel is also likely to endorse the decisions of the federal cabinet and its defence committee, which asked the United States to vacate Shamsi Airbase within 15 days. The base was previously known for operating drones in the country's tribal areas. In addition, supply line of International forces in Afghanistan has been closed, besides boycotting the important December 5 Bonn Conference as a reaction to Nato's unprovoked action.

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