Aptma condemns Nato attack

30 Nov, 2011

The chairman of All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (Aptma), Mohsin Aziz expressed deep sense of sorrow on the loss of precious lives of the defenders of the borders of Pakistan in the Nato attack. In a press release issued here on Tuesday, he said that the business community condemned in the strongest terms the unprovoked attack on the army jawans.
He said Pakistan had been in the forefront of war against terror, which had cost the country dearly in human lives and economic growth. He said: "We are victims of aggression and terror for the last two decades as recognised by the world." He said that like every patriotic Pakistani, the business community believe in the motherland first and was ready and willing to offer every sacrifice for the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan.
He said: "Our hearts bleed for the young brave soldiers who lost their lives, and sympathise with the bereaved families." He said the business community would stand shoulder to shoulder with its forces against all enemies.
The Chairman emphasised that all those countries which were engaged in war against terror should be mindful of and give due recognition to the sacrifices given by the armed forces and people of Pakistan, lest the world lost the support of a brave alley without which winning the war against terror was well nigh impossible.

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