Jamaat-e-Islami to observe 'protest day' on December 2

30 Nov, 2011

The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief, Syed Munawar Hasan has appealed to the nation to observe 'Protest Day' on Friday, December 2 to condemn the unprovoked Nato attacks on Pakistan's military posts resulting in the martyrdom of 24 officers and soldiers. He directed JI leaders and workers and appealed all religious parties to join the protest for the great national cause.
He welcomed the parliamentary defence committee's decision to stop Nato supplies and evacuation of Shamsi Airbase and government's decision to boycott Bonn Conference to be held in June next. He impressed upon the rulers to stick to these decisions, get the other airbases vacated from the US/Nato and permanently stop Nato supplies because the country's defence is not possible without these steps.
He stressed that the fate of these decisions should not be like that of the resolutions of the parliament and the APCs. He also said that in order to ensure implementation of these decisions, government would have to break the begging bowl, and the rulers would have to adopt austerity in their lives.
The JI chief said that the country's independence and sovereignty and national honour had been badly undermined. Even in the past, the US drones have been intruding into Pakistan's territory and innocent Pakistanis were made the target of missiles. This country had provided all the facilities to the US and Nato in its war on terror and acted as the frontline state. Its economy has been ruined due to this war. However, in response to that, Washington's attitude towards this country has always been insulting.
In fact, he said, the US is the natural ally of India and an enemy of Pakistan. Therefore, it is high time to get rid of the US. He said unfortunately, the rulers in Islamabad have become crazy for dollars and whenever Washington gave any threat, the rulers became nervous. That was why all the decisions against US so far had not been implemented.
Munawar warned that governments, which did not respect their parliament or judiciary, always lost respect in the world and were doomed to loose freedom. The parliament, he continued, represents the masses and its decisions are termed peoples' decisions. Civilised societies respect these decisions, implemented them on their own and also make the world respect these, he concluded.

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