Partly Facetious: Our defence forces become unaware of UFOs

30 Nov, 2011

"So is Shamsi base important or not."
"Not as per the US."
"So what is important for the US?"
"The use of Pakistani air space."
"Ah yes indeed, so we did allow them to use our air space for drones?"
"Yes we did, and lets not forget WikiLeaks told us this and if you don't believe WikiLeaks then the air chief said he can blow the drones before they hit their targets if so directed in the aftermath of the OBL killing."
"There is one proviso to that: our defence forces become aware of unidentified flying objects in our airspace."
"Don't be facetious anyway, as we all know our politicians, including the Prime Minister and other senior opposition leaders including the Mian Brothers, have dismissed claims made in the WikiLeaks, then they should believe the air chief."
"So the US or the Nato won't enter our airspace without our permission?"
"Well, they could declare war on us in which case it's all kosher."
"Speaking of Nato, I was amazed to learn that Rasmussen, the Nato chappie, was at one time the Prime Minister of Denmark."
"So, he has opted to give up the post of head of government in favour of head of Nato."
"The latter has more clout, more exposure to the international media and..."
"And I am not arguing against that. But I have an idea: the West always maintains that it would support democracy no matter what."
"That's not quite true. You know and I know that the US in particular has supported dictatorships when it suited them."
"OK, but if they are committed to democracy in our part of the world, then they should offer such lucrative jobs to our politicians."
"The West is only willing to invite your exiled leadership for lectures and then send them on their way."
"But can you imagine, if say the IMF wanted someone to head their legal department and we offered Babar Awan."
"I am not sure Montecito University's degree is acceptable to the IMF."
"What about using Rehman Malik as head of procurement section."
"An honorary degree from Karachi University may not be acceptable."
"How about offering one of our politicians the job of head of IMF?"
"There maybe concern that they may compromise the IMF charter and begin allowing loans to private individuals hailing from their constituencies."
"I give up."

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