PTI reacts to General Jones' comments

04 Dec, 2011

PTI Vice President for Foreign and Security Policy, Dr Shireen Mazari has reacted strongly to General Jones' comments on TV declaring that Pakistan was driving itself to its own self-destruction because it has been given a lot of opportunities in the past but it failed to cash in on them.
This is not only insulting but is a mere pack of lies, especially given that it follows on the heels of the latest murder of Pakistani army personnel by Nato forces for which the US has not even had the decency to issue an apology. It has been the corrupt Pakistani leadership from Musharraf to Zardari that sought to put Pakistan on a course of destruction by dragging it into the US-led "war on terror".
The only opportunities the US provided to Pakistan after 9/11 were sell the nation into subservience before US diktat; subject its people to renditions and death at the hands of US drones and use its military to kill its own people for dollars - that ironically still have not come to the Coalition Support Fund - and rip asunder the civil society by creating a whole new form of terrorism from within in direct response to the unjust and Islam-demonising "war on terror" which has become a war of terror for the Pakistani nation.
Furthermore, as Dr Mazari pointed out, General Jones has admitted to passing on the infamous Memo to General Mullen - a Memo that was clearly part of the grand US design to undermine Pakistan's stability and territorial integrity. This design was spelt out in the US Armed Forces Journal as early as June 2006 in the Ralph Peters article "Blood Borders".
So, in reality, according to Dr Mazari, Pakistan's corrupt rulers, by making the country a party to the so-called US-led "war on terror" in this region, almost led the country to self-destruction; but the people saw through this scheme as did the PTI and its leader Imran Khan, who has consistently been calling on the Pakistani state to extricate itself from the destructive US alliance. It has taken the loss of thousands of innocent Pakistani lives and direct military attacks by the US and Nato to finally make the US scheme of things for Pakistan visible to even the most myopic Pakistani leader.-PR

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