Rs 935 million provided for social welfare: Anwar

06 Dec, 2011

With a view to attain the ultimate objective of welfare of downtrodden, an amount of Rs 935 million has been provided by Punjab government to ensure welfare of vulnerable groups including destitute women, senior citizens, children of deprived families and people belonging to less-privileged groups.
This was stated by Chairman Punjab Education Foundation, Raja Muhammad Anwar while talking to different delegations comprising teachers, parents, social workers and general public at his residence. Briefing them about various public-friendly initiatives of the Punjab government aiming at giving social protection to the needy people, he said that an amount of Rs 285 million was being utilised for the empowerment of women. Similarly, Rs 100 million were provided for Gender Reform Action Plan to benefit women by including gender perspectives in public-sector policies, and programmes and projects.
He added that the provincial government has also launched different schemes including setting-up of 50 new vocational training institutes with an amount of Rs 130 million besides arranging block allocation of Rs 290 million for Punjab Vocational Training Council in the current budget.

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