Youm-e-Ashur to be observed in AJK with religious fervour

06 Dec, 2011

The Youm-e-Ashur, (10th day of Muharram-ul-Haram), the sanctified day of the global history and a unique icon of the supreme sacrifices rendered by Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions for the cause of Islam, will be observed with full respect and honour in Azad Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday.
The day will be observed with an unwavering resolve to fight against all types of tyrannical forces and for the sake of rightness and justice to accomplish the cherished mission to take to the lofty level - the glory of Islam, in all circumstances. The significant day will dawn with special prayers by the faithful at all mosques and Imambargahs with Namaz-e-Fajr in all eight districts of Azad Jammu Kashmir.
Processions of Alam and Zul-jinnah will be taken out from Imambargahs which, after passing through the already-determined traditional routes, will culminate at their fixed spots. A number of social and political organisations as well as individuals will set up stalls and sabeels of juices and sweet water on the processions' route to facilitate the faithful.
Re-calling the martyrdom of Hazarat Imam Hussain (AS), Ulema and Zakerin during the course of the procession will deliver special speeches highlighting the great essence of the day. In Mirpur district, the district administration have made all necessary security arrangements to ensure safeguarding of traditional peace and harmony during the course of the main procession in Mirpur city, to be taken out from Imambargah Sa'adat colony. The contingents of police will remain alert till the time of reaching of the Zul-jinnah procession at its set destination.
Religious scholars including Ulema and Zakir in their sermons, while addressing Azadars 0and other participants of the Youm-e-Ashur procession, will highlight the supreme sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and his associates at Karbala for the supremacy of truth of justice and the teachings of Islam and will urge all sects of the faithful to renew their pledge to follow the foot steps of the martyrs of Karbala.
The event of Karbala inspires to uphold the glory of Islam coupled with the renewed pledge and resolve that Muslims should not hesitate to render any sacrifice for the lofty ideals of Islam. Though the 10th of Muharram is very important for diverse reasons, nevertheless, it gains special impact as Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)'s martyrdom and the event of Karbala also took place on this day. Majlis-i-Sham-i-Ghariban is yet another key event of the day where Nohas and Marsias will be recited at Imambargah Sadaat Colony to pay tribute to the martyrs of Karbala.

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