'Wheat production this year may remain lower'

06 Dec, 2011

AgriForum Pakistan citing reduction in sowing areas, lesser use of fertiliser and certified seed has predicted that wheat production this year may remain lower than the national requirement of 25 million tons. AgriForum Pakistan Chairman Muhammad Ibrahim Mughal talking to media here on Monday alleged that reduction in usage of quality wheat seed after lesser application of fertiliser will hamper the production of wheat.
He claimed that use of quality wheat seed has come down to lowest level during last five years. Mughal alleged that apathy of the government towards agriculture may lead to destruction in economy and a challenge to food security. He said that the Indian government had increased the price of wheat by Rs 250 (in Pak rupees) this year to boost wheat production.
Replying to various queries of the journalists, Mughal alleged that the Punjab Seed Corporation (PSC) prepared 1000,000 wheat seed bags this year but only 325,000 bags could be utilised due to financial constraints faced by the growers and lethargic attitude of the agriculture department. He said wheat sowing time had almost elapsed and growers had used only 325,000 bags of the PSC.
Chairman AgriForum said that growers used to utilise 20 to 25 percent certified seed in wheat sowing but this year trend has witnessed a 50 percent decrease. It means only 10 percent quality seed has been used this year and coupled with reduction in area under wheat sowing and lesser application of fertiliser, it would severely hamper the wheat production, he feared. He also feared that this trend may convert a wheat-exporting country in to wheat importing nation. He appealed to the central and provincial governments to look in to the matter for improvement.

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