Zuljinnah processions: special security arrangements made in capital

06 Dec, 2011

Special security arrangements were made in the federal capital to avoid any act of sabotage during the 'Zuljinnah' procession on 9 and 10 Moharram. About 5000 security forces personnel were deployed on the routes of processions along with blockage of roads that leads to 'Markazi Imam Bargahs'.
The main procession of Zuljinnah was started from 'Markazi Imam Bargha Asna Ashriya' G-6 while passing through its designated routes (Lal Quarter Chowk, Melody Chowk) culminated at the point from where it started. A large number of devotees participated in the procession to honour the sacrifice made by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).
At the entrance point from where the procession started, two walk-through gates were installed, while the surrounding area was barricaded. Ambulances were ready to meet any eventuality and helicopters remained hovering over the procession to point out the exact location in case of any emergency. With sighting of the Muharram moon, the majalis began, but more gatherings were observed in the federal capital after 6th of Muharram. The attendance in different processions of Muharram in each locality kept on multiplying with every passing day.
The Muslims all over the world mourn the death of Hazarat Imam Husain and pay homage to him for the sacrifice he made at Karbala for the cause of Islam. People who believe in Shia school of thought usually wear black clothes and mourn the Shahadat of the Hazrat Imam Hussain and his small team of associates.
Majalis were held every day during the first ten-day, where Ulemas narrate the history of the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his associates in detail.
In the federal capital, the main roundabouts and the busy roads of the city have been swamped with the posters and banners of Muharram. In the 38 main districts of the country, Para military forces have also being arranged while in the most sensitive areas of the country, security has been tightened with the help of rangers during the Ashora-e-Muharram especially in Punjab. The main procession will be taken out on 10th of Moharram Tuesday (today). The 10th of Muharram is observed as an important day by both Sunni and Shia Muslims.

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