Government will restore Nato supply line, claims JI chief

08 Dec, 2011

Jamaat-e Islami (JI) Chief Syed Munawwar Hassan said on Wednesday that government was retreating from its stances it had taken in protest to Nato attack. The government was about to take a U-turn and would restore Nato supply line. The government should not withdraw its decisions that were taken in regard to Pakistan sovereignty. This he said while talking to Sindh National Front's Chief Mumtaz Bhutto at Islamic Research Academy.
Mumtaz Bhutto had called on Munawar Hassan to discus ongoing political situation in the country. JI Sindh Chief Asadullah Bhutto, JI Karachi Chief Muhammad Hussain Mahenti, JI Karachi General Secretary Naseem Siddiqui and JI Secretary Information Sarfaraz Ahmed were also present.
Ameer Bux Bhutto, Muhammad Anwar Gujjar and Razzaq Bajwah accompanied SNF Chief Bhutto. Both the leaders had agreed upon failure of the government to address the issues that confronted the country. Munawar Hassan said that Mumtaz Bhutto had been struggling for redressal of public grievances, which should be appreciated and supported because citizens have been perplexed over the deteriorating situations and the security concerns that continued to be worsening incessantly.
"People had welcomed and supported the government for the decisions for evicting the Shamsi Air base, boycotting the Bonn conference but to an utter state of disappointment, the government looked bent upon reviewing its decisions and ultimately these would be withdrawn," Hassan deplored.
He lauded Mumtaz Bhutto's role for the efforts he had been making for the betterment of the people of the country and declared him a true Pakistani politician. The people of the country should stand united on one point agenda, he added. Speaking on the occasion, Mumtaz Bhutto said that the government had failed to resolve people's problems. People have been facing starvation due to inflation. People had been left with one choice that they should either sell out their children for bread and butter or commit suicide. The government had destroyed national institutions. He said that he had been discussing the situation with other politicians and had now approached JI leader Munawwar Hassan so as to draw a unanimous strategy to save the country.

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