Empowered Pakistan

09 Dec, 2011

After the Nato attack, the government's bold decision has shocked US and international powers who never expected such a reaction from Pakistan. Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar briefed her Chinese and Russian counterparts on the Nato attacks and the decisions taken by the Pakistani government following the strikes, which reportedly killed 24 Pakistani troops and injured 13 others.
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi expressed deep shock and strong concern over the incident and extended condolences to the aggrieved families. Russian foreign minister Lavrov expressed sympathy for the loss of lives and injuries as well as complete understanding of Pakistan's position. Pakistan's membership of the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member was well received all over the world.
Haroon communicated to the UN chief the decision by Pakistan to ask the US to vacate the Shamsi Air Base within 15 days and to close two main Nato supply routes to Afghanistan. The office of the Security Council's President, currently Ambassador Jose Filipe Moraes Cabral of Portugal, in turn has submitted to the members of the Council "for their information" Haroon's letter as well as the DCC statement, which "will be issued as a document" of the UNSC.
Pakistan will sit in the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member for a two-year term that will begin in January next year. Pakistan's inclusion into the UNSC as a non-permanent member is a historic event in the complicated global scenario.
This victory demonstrates Pakistan's importance in the comity of nations. Pakistan no doubt holds a peculiar position in South Asia. Without Pakistan there can be no substantial development in the region. Pakistan's election to the Security Council is the acknowledgement by the international community of its services and its capabilities to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security which is the main function of the Security Council. For the fist time in history, India also voted for Pakistan. Pakistan is facing many challenges to its security, including terrorism and extremism. The economic meltdown, poverty and energy shortages are also the issues, which need to be resolved.
Now as a non-permanent member of the UN Council, Pakistan would use this seat to remind the UN of the resolutions on the Kashmir issue that seek a plebiscite in Kashmir. The people of Kashmir should decide whether they want to unite with Pakistan, or with India or they wish to be independent. The government is also pursuing the composite dialogue process agenda that it initiated with India including Kashmir and Indo-Pak issues. The PPP, without prejudice to the UN Security Council Resolutions, supports open and safe borders at the Line of Control to socially unite the Kashmiri people. On the Sudan issue, the UN allowed a plebiscite, partitioning Sudan into two independent states: north and south. Pakistan can also fight for Kashmir interests through diplomacy and persuade the world to find a similar solution to the Kashmir issue.
Non-permanent membership has further empowered Pakistan to use the UNSC forum to initiate discussion on regional security issues, like the US withdrawal agenda from Afghanistan to secure national interests. The US has accepted that without prior support of Pakistan it is impossible to carry out negotiations with the Taliban for enduring peace. Pakistan has assured the international community of its support for the initiation of a dialogue process with the Taliban but not at the cost of Pakistan's strategic interest. The government firmly adheres to the principle of non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs and favours no group, faction or tribe.

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