Partly Facetious: Dubai knows as tertiary healthcare centre?

09 Dec, 2011

"So what's happening?"
"The President is ill and need, I add I condemn all those who have expressed satisfaction over his illness - that is downright un-Islamic."
"And you have the prerogative to declare any action un-Islamic?"
"I am not a maulvi..."
"You are a die-hard Zardi."
"OK, but don't you think people should not be happy at someone's illness?"
"I agree, but it's a matter of ethics not religion. Be that as it may, you must also accept that being happy at someone else's misfortune is a human trait and it is legitimate for people not to like their own elected governments...I mean you do recall what happened to the elected governments of Greece's Papanderou and Italy's Berlusconi."
"Yes, but..."
"There is no but. However I do agree with you that one must not express happiness at someone's illness but you must agree with me when I say the government mishandled the entire illness episode."
"Yes I do agree - we still don't know if it was routine check-up or not, and if it was so routine then why did he dash off to Dubai...and let me say something from personal experience. My mother required chemotherapy three years ago and I had requested my sister resident in the Emirates to get an appointment there thinking that it would be better there than here and I was told that there was no chemotherapy facility there."
"So, you reckon their hospitals are not that good?"
"Yes I do, and don't forget the Sheikhs go to the West when they are ill."
"So what are you saying?"
"The President's son did not travel with his father - instead he was shown chairing a PPP select meeting with Gilani."
"Ah, so you reckon there is some method to the Dubai visit - for scheduled or unscheduled tests?"
"I want to say that all those WikiLeaks revelations that the President had requested his sister to take over after him were not really a reflection of the President's mindset?"
"Politics makes one learn all sorts of lessons, including who to designate as one's heir."
"So you reckon there is a change in the mindset?"
"Or Anne Patterson was misinformed."

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