Nawaz set to address public meeting in Garhi Khuda Bux today

10 Dec, 2011

PML-N President Nawaz Sharif is all set to address a public meeting in Garhi Khuda Bux, in Larkana district, home town of Pakistan People's Party (PPP) leadership, on Saturday, December 10. This was confirmed by PML-N Information Secretary Senator Mushahidullah Khan while talking to Business Recorder on Friday on his way to Larkana.
The PML-N leaders are already in Garhi Khuda Bux to finalise the arrangements for the public gathering, which would be the PML-N's first ever public gathering in Larkana. The PML-N intends to demonstrate to the people of Sindh that Larkana is not just a hub for Pakistan People's Party, PML-N sources said.
When asked whether any political figures of Sindh were going to announce joining PML-N on Saturday, Mushahid said, "Although some politicians had shown inclination for joining the PML-N, but I am not sure how many people would join during this visit." He, however, added that Nawaz Sharif had already held meetings with nationalist leaders including Mumtaz Bhutto and Dr Qadir Magsi to discuss strategies for the next general elections. About rumours pertaining to President Asif Zardari, he said that the country had become a centre of rumours.
About memogate scandal, he said the PML-N had taken the 'memo' issue to the Supreme Court because it was an attack on the country's sovereignty. "We want an independent probe to tell the truth to the nation because such incidents are not good for the future of the country," he said, adding that "PML-N President has already declared that we don't want political mileage by exploiting the memo issue."
He said that resolution of memo issue would enhance the country's image in the comity of nations beside discouraging people from getting involved in such conspiracies in future. He said that the government "is not showing political maturity" on a host of issues faced by the country. "The PPP leaders have no understanding about their friend or foe which is evident from those few faces sitting in the Cabinet," he said. When asked whether Nawaz would visit the grave of Benazir Bhutto, he said he had no definite knowledge in this regard.
Sources in PML-N claimed that over a dozen politicians from Sindh were expected to join PML-N during Nawaz Sharif's visit on Saturday. According to sources, the PML-N President will land on the Naudero helipad on Saturday and will be escorted to the venue of public gathering in Garhi Khuda Bux. Nawaz will subsequently offer Fateha at Benazir Bhutto's mausoleum, before returning to Lahore.
Sources said that Nawaz is also expected to visit Karachi on December 15 and more politicians from Sindh are expected to join the party. According to sources, Nawaz is going to convene a consultative meeting of the party soon to devise future political strategy in the wake of developments taking place after going abroad by President Asif Zardari due to his ill health.

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