Four-day gas disruption: Aptma emergency meeting today

10 Dec, 2011

The All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (Aptma) is holding an emergency meeting on Saturday to review the situation after notice from SNGPL for increase in gas load shedding to four days for industry. According to the sources, Aptma Punjab chapter meeting will be presided over by Chairman of Aptma Punjab, Ahsan Bashir.
Sources said that SNGPL has placed a notice on its website citing increase in frequency of load shedding to four days from previously three days for two zones of Lahore. Also, the SNGPL has communicated similar notice to the Faisalabad zone, hub of textile industry.
SNGPL was likely to impose four days a week gas curtailment to Lahore zones. However, Aptma leaders opposed the move aggressively, which resulted in deferment of the decision. It was generally believed that SNGPL would not increase load shedding duration for Lahore zone after a strong protest from textile millers in Faisalabad. But it all proved wrong and the SNGPL has decided to increase the frequency of load shedding in Punjab.
The federal Cabinet had instructed the SNGPL to ensure gas supply to domestic consumers at any cost. The Prime Minister Gilani had said on the floor of the house that gas supply to fertiliser sector would be ensured by the government. Resultantly, the textile industry emerged as biggest loser of the situation, as the SNGPL has put all pressure on it during low pressure period. Aptma sources said the Ministry for Petroleum had assured it of uninterrupted gas supply for four days a week during current winter season. Aptma members have already suffered gas curtailment for over 150 days during summer, affecting about 40 percent of its production capacity besides massive layoffs and decline in exports amid unbearable bank mark-up.

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