Swiss and US inch closer to tax-row deal

12 Dec, 2011

Swiss and US officials have met in recent days in Berne to try to end a long-running dispute over wealthy Americans using secret Swiss accounts to dodge taxes, and seem to be getting closer to a deal, two newspapers reported on Sunday.
The fact that Michael Danilack of the US Internal Revenue Service travelled to Berne for the first time to meet Swiss negotiator Michael Ambuehl was seen as a positive sign.
"That shows the US has a considerable interest in the negotiations and that a breakthrough seems possible," an unnamed Swiss diplomat told the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper.
Mario Tuor, a spokesman for the Swiss secretariat for international financial affairs, confirmed the talks had taken place, but declined to comment further beyond saying more negotiations were planned. The NZZ am Sonntag and the SonntagsZeitung newspaper said the negotiators were seeking a deal for the whole Swiss banking industry, as well as the 11 banks under formal investigation over allegations they assisted tax evasion.
They include Credit Suisse, Julius Baer and Basler Kantonalbank. The Swiss want the investigations dropped in return for payment of fines and the transfer of hundreds, or even thousands, of names of clients suspected of tax evasion but have been haggling over how to do this given strict bank secrecy laws.

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