'US decides to resume ROZs negotiations'

13 Dec, 2011

In a damage control bid, the US has decided to resume negotiations on proposed Reconstruction Opportunity Zones, said industry sources. The textile industry sources said the US embassy trade representatives are due to visit the textile associations on Tuesday (today) to resume negotiations.
It may be noted that the US has been delaying the plan of ROZs for Pakistan despite detailed negotiations time and again. It is therefore majority of textile leadership is not very hopeful about the outcome of present move. According to them, it may not be more than an image building exercise by the US.
They said the US as well as the EU has been showing hostile attitude towards Pakistan's textile industry. Referring to the EU's move of duty concession on 75 items, followed by undue opposition by India and Bangladesh is a classic example as how the EU is showing dilly-dallying attitude towards Pakistan. Similarly, they said, the US has waste plenty of time in discussing the proposal of ROZs time and again.

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