Various proposals under consideration: JICA submits Karachi Transportation Master Plan-2030

14 Dec, 2011

The authorities are paying attention to the transport problems of the Karachi and various measures are on the way to help solve the difficulties being faced by the commuters.
In this regard, Japan International Co-operation Agency in close collaboration with Karachi Mass Transit Cell, conducted a detailed study of the Karachi transport problems as well as its solution and submitted Karachi Transportation Master Plan-2030 focusing on economic and environmental outcome of transport related decisions as well as directing the future structure of the road network of the city.
Under the guidance of Governor Sindh Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan, the Administrator, Karachi Municipal Corporation Muhammad Hussain Syed is continuously considering various proposals to initiate schemes, projects to solve the traffic problems of the Karachiites.
Recently Administrator held a meeting with JICA representatives and considered in detail the proposals envisaged in the Institutional Structure for Karachi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in which a presentation by JICA study team was came under discussion. The JICA team has a prepared feasibility report of two priority corridors for implementation of Bus Rapid Transport System, which is a cost and time efficient and flexible option for the under developed and developing countries to facilities 30 to 35 thousands passengers per hour per direction ensuring safe, comfortable and efficient public transport facilities at affordable fare structure on sustainable basis.
Muhammad Hussain Syed has informed the delegation that the Governor Sindh and the provincial government will provide all out support to the schemes which will improve the transport system of Karachi. He said that there is a great need that the whole transport system of the Karachi should be based according to the requirement of the modern transport mechanism so the better facilities could be ensured to the citizens because over the past 50 years Karachi has grown manifold in horizontal and vertical dimensions.
Syed said that concrete steps are needed on priority basis to improve the existing transport system of this sprawling city of Karachi. He also appreciated the efforts of the JICA for taking keen interest and conducting a detailed study of the Karachi transport system highlighting illegal parking, encroachments, number of commuters travelling on different road etc along with suggestions to improve the traffic network in the city. The Administrator Muhammad Hussain Syed had recently singed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Japan International Co-operation Agency for securing Japanese investment in Karachi and laying of international standard infrastructure in the industrial zones for promotion of more investment in the metropolis.
Under this MoU, JICA will conduct a survey to look for possibilities of more Japanese aid for Karachi. At present 23 units of Japanese investors were working in Karachi and measures were being taken to increase these units. The JICA has assured that Japan would construct the 7 and a half kilometres portion of Mehran Highway provided the city government construct the earlier portion of Mehran Highway Hospital Roundabout to Landhi Cattle Colony and Railway Track within stipulated time. It is necessary the citizens, especially drivers of commercial vehicles and scootorists should follow the traffic rules and regulations and because of reckless and unlawful driving, traffic always stuck up and the lanes ultimately lead to stoppage of flow of traffic for every one and some time unfortunately caused to fatal accidents.

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