Partly Facetious: Malik should be designated as official taster

14 Dec, 2011

"Unbelievable, simply unbelievable!"
"I would tend to agree. There are as many versions as there are mouths if you know what I mean: from minor brain haemorrhaging accounting for the 'incoherence' remarked upon by the US President while talking to President Zardari, which many argue reflects bipolar syndrome that our President is suffering from accounting for mood swings - a personality trait that has been witnessed in the past..."
"You know if I have said it once, I have said it many times that the President should distance himself from Karzai, inviting him to attend his coronation was a wrong move, and I am concerned, for example, will the Americans now begin to poke fun at our President too by referring to his being on the meds and off the meds..."
"First of all, you don't refer to it as a coronation when an election gets you the post."
"Have you forgotten Benazir Bhutto's will?"
"No, but the President was elected and you can't deny it!"
"Granted, but as I was saying from a minor brain hemorrhage to a sudden fall in blood pressure attributed by the Zardis to deliberate over medication by person or persons unknown..."
"Hey, medicines can lead to a sudden drop which is followed by unconsciousness and the guy has many enemies."
"OK, but his political opponents are unlikely to give him the medication."
"Think what you are saying and to help you let me add that the President did say that he did not trust Pakistani hospitals and he does have access to hospitals that you and I as civilians do not have."
"And let's not forget for good measure there is also talk that the President was poisoned."
"There is an easy remedy for that?"
"Let Rehman Malik as the Minister for Interior, and let's be honest he has delivered security mainly to the Presidency's interior, anyway he should be designated as the official taster."
"You are being facetious."
"No, I am serious."
"Well, I have it from very well informed sources that Malik wants the most coveted Zardi post of today: official caretaker to the President."
"You are being facetious today!"

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