Pak-Afghan border: slow monitoring, checking delays goods' delivery: SCCI chief

15 Dec, 2011

President, Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), Afan Aziz, has said that the suspension of logistic supplies to Nato-led alliance forces to Afghanistan won't be affected Pak-Afghan trade, saying that the consignment of commercial goods routinely being carried out alongside the border areas to neighbouring Afghanistan.
But, he expressed concerns that the tough clearing and checking system at border area causes delaying in its timely delivery. He added that the slow pace of checking and monitoring system at Pak-Afghan border has delayed the goods consignments for several weeks. He informed that Pak-Afghan border forces, including FC, and political administration jointly examined validity of the Afghan transit trucks at border areas. He said that all stakeholders would ready to render sacrifices for sovereignty and integrity of the country.
Aziz said that traders have used Iran seaport for trade to Afghanistan owing to tough terms and condition under the Afghan Transit Trade Agreement (ATTA). He further said that a total trade volume to Afghanistan has come down at 20 percent, because of which a large number of transporters, custom clearing agents, labourers and other people belonging the profession have become jobless.
Whereas, he informed that the Pakistan Railways and National Logistic Cell (NLC) were also deprived a millions of revenue. He added that the income generation has also declined at seaport. He said that the businessmen and traders are expressing the step was tantamount to create differences between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Afan Aziz said that Pakistan and Afghanistan religiously and culturally are bonded with matchless and cordial ties over past decades. He said the Pakistan want to move forward with joint collaboration with all neighbouring states, particularly, Afghanistan.

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