Nust team congratulated

15 Dec, 2011

Two students from National University of Sciences and Technology, Syed Muhammad Bilal Khalid and Fahad Islam Tiwana, once again proved their mettle and brought laurels to Pakistan at the Second Global Entrepreneurship Challenge, Istanbul. They received international acclaim by coming in the top three teams presenting innovative and business ideas, among 25 competing teams from across the world.
They were also the proud winners of the previously held grand challenges; "Discover: Nust Business Plan Competition" and "Lean Start-up Machine Conference" in Pakistan. "We feel humbled and honoured at bringing glory to Pakistan and Nust at this international platform" said the youngsters from Nust Institute of Civil Engineering.
The second Global Entrepreneurship summit featured technology ideas competition titled "GIST Battle of Ideas World cup" organised jointly by US state department and CRDF Global. It selected the best technology and business ideas on the basis of innovation and feasibility. The selected ideas were then uploaded on the internet for global voting. The idea presented by these youngsters from Nust topped this round of the competition in the entire world becoming the 20th most watched video on YouTube. Rector Nust was extremely delighted at Nust team's performance at Global level: congratulated the team and presented them prizes and souvenirs.-PR

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