Mac App Store downloads top 100 million

19 Dec, 2011

Apple on December 12 said that more than 100 million mini-programmes tailored for Macintosh computers have been downloaded from the Mac App Store since it opened at the start of the year. The Cupertino, California-based firm launched the online shop in early January on the momentum of its culture-changing App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod programmes.
"The Mac App Store is the largest and fastest growing PC (personal computer) software store in the world," said Apple senior vice president of world-wide marketing Philip Schiller.
"In just three years the App Store changed how people get mobile apps, and now the Mac App Store is changing the traditional PC software industry," he added.
The Mac App Store offers third-party applications in an array of categories including education, games, design, lifestyle and productivity. Developers get to price applications, some of which are free.
"We're using the Mac App Store to deliver new products and reach a growing base of new Mac customers," said Autodesk platform solutions and emerging business senior vice president Amar Hanspal.

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