Stroke or a 'master stroke'?

20 Dec, 2011

Asif Zardari is a past master at getting himself out from 'difficult' situations of dire consequences, be it political or legal. He has played his cards daftly so far, to gain respite from either quagmires, political or personal. If the difficulty is of political nature, for survival, Zardari plays the "Sindh card", while he plays the "Medical card" to thwart threat to his person and follows the hospital route to escape to safety, such as the 'Memogate' episode.
Whenever there is a political threat to his or his PPP's rule, Zardari quickly gets into his wardrobe, picks out a heavily embroidered 'Sindhi' cap and wraps around an 'Ajrak' to present himself as the innocent victim coming from deprived small province, targeted by rabid establishment or a bullying larger province, all set to usurp the rights of Sindhis.
And whenever Zardari faces a difficult situation or threat to his person, such as interrogation or investigations into his wrong doings, he very conveniently resorts to the tried and tested 'medical card' with the assistance of helpful friends in the medical fraternity who are all to eager to issue a medical certificate with the much-used and hackneyed caption, "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN"!
If one goes by the ground realities and law of Nature, at some point of time Zardari, in this game of poker, will ultimately be called upon to "show" his cards to back up the veracity of his contention to establish whether its is a mere bluff or otherwise! Suffice it is say, by someone who has never played any form of cards, that this is all nothing, but a big bluff in a sordid affair. Pakistanis are not 'dumbbells'.

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