Chavez calls Obama a 'fraud'

21 Dec, 2011

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a long-time critic of the United States, had called US President Barack Obama a "fraud" who criticises Venezuela to get votes at home. "Now he is going around looking for votes by attacking Venezuela," Chavez told Venezuelan television late Monday.
"Don't be so irresponsible, you are a fraud. Leave us alone, because we are free and we will never again be a colony, yours or anybody else's," he continued, as if addressing Obama. Hours earlier, the Venezuelan daily El Universal had published a written interview with Obama. In it, the US president slammed the Venezuelan government and its alliances with Iran and Cuba.
"It's unfortunate that the Venezuelan government is often more interested in revisiting the ideological battles of the past than looking forward to the future that we could build for our citizens," Obama said. Obama said that ties between US citizens and Venezuelans "are strong," but he expressed concern over the state of political relations between the two countries.
"For much of our history, we also enjoyed friendly relations between our governments based on shared ideals of liberty and justice, deep cultural and social ties, and a mutually beneficial commercial relationship. Today, our economic relationship, which benefits both countries, endures." Chavez retorted that Obama has been a disappointment as the first African-American president of the United States.
"Ask the black community in your country what you are: the biggest frustration. Come on, Obama, go ask the poor in your country what you are: a great frustration," Chavez said. He asked that Venezuela be left alone. "Go look for your votes over there (in the US), but do so by delivering to your people. That's what you should do," Chavez said. "Obama, go about your own business. Turn to governing your country, which is a disaster with you. Don't be so irresponsible, you fraud Obama."

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