Preparation of computerised electoral rolls: ECP clarifies its position

23 Dec, 2011

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday clarified various points, appearing in the print and electronic media with regard to preparation of Computerised Electoral Rolls. A press release issued by the ECP said that preparation of Computerised Electoral Rolls is the responsibility of the Commission under the Constitution and the law.
The commission placed same position before the Supreme Court of Pakistan during the hearing on 21-12-2011 as under: That under Article 219 of the Constitution and the Law, it is the responsibility of the ECP to inter alia, prepare the electoral rolls for elections to the National and Provincial Assemblies and revise such rolls annually.
In order to fulfil its constitutional as well as legal duty, the Election Commission of Pakistan has issued a detailed schedule for revision of the Electoral Rolls in collaboration with NADRA, which was submitted before Apex Court in compliance with the order passed by it on 4-7-2011. That the ECP, considering the prevailing circumstances at a particular moment, has revised the Schedule of Revision of Electoral Rolls from time to time and has intimated the Court as well.
The ECP considers that it is within its mandate to give a timeline for the revision of electoral rolls or any other electoral activity and revise or review it at any subsequent time, keeping in view the circumstances requiring such revision or review. The ECP noted with approval the proviso to Section 17 and Section 26 of the Electoral Rolls Act and observed that any election announced by the Government can be held on the basis of existing electoral rolls until revised.
In the circumstances, the Commission resolved that no change or revision of the already issued Schedule for revision of Electoral Rolls is possible, as the timelines given therein cannot be squeezed anymore. The issue of squeezing the timeline already issued by the Election Commission has been discussed with Chairman NADRA, who has also shown his inability to squeeze the timeline.
As to the delay of about three months in printing of Preliminary Electoral Rolls and then Final Electoral Rolls it was explained to the Supreme Court of Pakistan that this delay was caused due to heavy rains, floods, dengue fever and law and order situation in some parts of the country as intimated by the Provincial Governments, including two resolutions passed by the legislatures of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan on 19-09-2011 and 28-10-2011, respectively.
Besides, the Government of Punjab through its Chief Secretary remained in constant touch with Election Commission and emphasised on extension of the date. The last such request was received from the Punjab Government through their Secretary Local Government on 1st November, 2011 for even further extension beyond 15th November, 2011 which was not agreed to by the Election Commission of Pakistan.
Likewise, a decision of Provincial Cabinet, Government of Sindh was also reported wide through the press on 26th September, 2011 requesting the ECP to extend the door to door exercise by three months. In the three meetings held by the ECP on 12th July, 2011, 5th August, 2011 and 31st October, 2011, the Provincial Election Commissioners and NADRA made the sam requests. Thus it is in view of these objective conditions prevailing in these provinces that the ECP had to extend the door to door exercise by three months which would result in three months delay in printing of preliminary electoral rolls and final electoral rolls.

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