Illegal sale of plastic crates: probe against Fishermen Cooperative Society begins

25 Dec, 2011

A probe against Fishermen Co-operative Society (FCS) has begun by a committee constituted by Chief Secretary Sindh and headed by Registrar Co-operative Societies with its members Managing Director, Karachi Fisheries Harbour Authority KFHA, Director (Research & Development) Sindh Fisheries and Deputy Secretary, Livestock & Fisheries Department, Government of Sindh.
During the course of investigation, it appeared that officials and officers of FCS have unauthorised and illegally sold out about 10,000 plastic crate, insulated plastic container and plastic basket which was given by KFHA and Sindh Fisheries Department exclusively for use within the markets/auction halls for the purpose of handling of fishery products in hygienic condition as per requirement of European Union and international standards.
Meanwhile, presiding over a meeting of KFHA officers, Abdul Ghani Jokhio, Managing Director KFHA has asked officers for enforcement of operational plan against illegal occupants, wilful defaulters including FCS shall be taken on task without favour and fear in accordance with prevailing rules. Elaborating plan, the Managing Director said that there shall be no relaxation at all to such defaulters and strict action shall be taken against miscreants, land grabbers and defaulters without any discrimination. He further said that Karachi Fish Harbour is highly secure, therefore, anti-social activities one or other way and under the banner of any so-called union or political support could not be allowed to disturb important economic venue.
Managing Director KFHA further said that there was no option to afford such elements and allow them to sabotage activities of Karachi Fish Harbour for the sake of their personal and misappropriation of funds on the name of fishermen. He also said that number of meetings held with bonafide fishermen and they have supported actions taken by the KFHA and affirmed to stand with KFHA. He added that for the last many decades billions of rupees have been embezzled and the conditions of fishermen remain unchanged. He said that FCS alone is defaulter of approximately Rs 40.000 million and have not only comply with orders of Honourable High Court of Sindh but creating problems from time to time and responsible for the dirty condition of the harbour, which led to a ban by EU. The Managing Director directed all the officers to perform their duties honestly to save the harbour.-PR

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