Patients of hepatitis: Punjab government plans to spend over Rs two billion

25 Dec, 2011

The Punjab government plans to spend Rs 2286 million for providing treatment facilities to the patients of hepatitis, a spokesman in the health department told Business Recorder, here on Saturday.
An amount of Rs 400 million has been spent on the treatment of 60,000 patients so far. According to the spokesman, a target of providing 60,000 PCR test and treatment facilities to 20,000 hepatitis patients free of cost has been fixed during the current year. He further said the process of procurement of medicines for 13500 new hepatitis patients is in its last phase and these medicines would be provided to all district hospitals in the first week of January 2012.
The spokesman further said that PCR test facility was being provided to the hepatitis patients in all concerned hospitals.
Moreover, Eliza test facility to 60,000 patients would soon be started. He said that all set targets would be achieved by June 2012. Under hepatitis control programme incinerators have been installed in 19 districts of the province for incineration of solid waste of hospitals and soon its scope will be extended to 17 more districts, he added.
He said a comprehensive campaign was being launched through media in order to create awareness among the masses regarding hepatitis disease.
He stressed upon the people about the utilisation of new disposable syringe, qualified dental doctors should be consulted rather than quacks and the people sitting on footpaths. New blades should be used for shaving at barber's shop and screened blood should be used in blood transfusion in order to save people from hepatitis, he added.

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