Industrialists meet AIG Karachi

26 Dec, 2011

A delegation of North Karachi Association of Trade and Industries met Additional Inspector General (AIG) Karachi Akhter Hussain Gorchani here in his office on Sunday. The delegation, comprising of ten members and led by Faraz Mirza informed the AIG about the problems of traders and industrialists while the AIG issued directions to the police officers in this regard.
The delegation briefed the AIG about Crime Monitoring System, established by the association in industrial zone of north Karachi and recommended the role and co-operation of Police to make it more effective.
Talking to the delegation the AIG said that a strategy had been devised on modern lines with mutual co-operation of police and citizens to curb the robberies and other crimes in the residential and industrial areas, and added that re-functioning of Help Line 15 Centers at important points was part of this strategy. He directed the police officers to take the crime monitoring system of north Karachi industrial area as a model and keeping in view the results and success of it, and prepare comprehensive recommendations for establishment of that kind of system in other industrial areas too. He directed SSP central to install wireless base at crime monitoring system of north Karachi industrial area and deploy an officer of inspector rank there so that the police could immediately come in action after reporting of any crime incident.

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