Land, police the most corrupt departments: survey

29 Dec, 2011

The National Corruption Perception Survey 2011 indicates that the land and property and police are the two most corrupt departments, and education and military, which has been included in NCPS for the first time, are the two least corrupt departments in Pakistan.
The most alarming is the increase in corruption ranks of income tax customs and tendering and contracting, which are ranked at 3rd, 7th and 6th most corrupt in 2011, whereas they were 8th, 9th and 10th in NCPS 2010. Judiciary/court's rank has slipped from 6th most corrupt department to 4th most corrupt department in NCPS 2011. This year the survey has been conducted by Gallup Pakistan.
Sohail Muzaffar, Chairman TI Pakistan said that corruption has reached unprecedented level in Pakistan. He said lack of accountability, as being witnessed due to delay in punitive action by state organs against corrupt elements in corruption cases like Pakistan Steel, NICL, Punjab Bank, Rental Power Plants. Hajj 2010, KESC, PIA, Railways and Wapda, is harming the country most.
Judiciary is being confronted by deliberate defiance in implementing Supreme Court orders and unwilling attitude of prosecution agencies. He said that when out of 40, 26 vacancies of Judges are vacant in Sindh High Court how can the efficient justice be provided and delay in punishing corrupt persons by judiciary is one of the causes of lower ranking of Judiciary.
Lack of political will to combat corruption could be seen from efforts of government to avoid transparency in procurements, as PPRI4 is being made dysfunctional by not appointing a Managing Director since October 2011. This year, NCPS 2011 has shown that tendering and contracting, which was the least corrupt in 2010 has jumped by 4 places to become the sixth most corrupt.
Syed Adil Gilani, Adviser Transparency International Pakistan said the Sindh government in June 2011 issued a notification exempting Sindh Bank from application of Public Procurement Rules 2010 Pakistan filed a constitutional petition in Sindh High Court against this notification and in on 15th December 2011, the Chief Justice in CP 2135 after reading that the Chief Secretary Sindh has cancelled the exemption notification disposed: of the petition as stating that the purpose of the petition has been achieved Similar to this, the federal government has also issued a notification in July 2011 with approval of ECC, amending Rule 5 of the PPRA rules 2004.
This would amount to exempting contracts based on 39 MoUs signed by President and Prime Ministers with private parties from complying to Public Procurement Rules 2004 and competitive bidding. These also include tenders for the 150 Railways Engines from USA and 75 Railway Engines from China, purchase of all PIA Aircraft, 7000MW Binji Dam, 1100MW Kohala Dam. TI Pakistan has filed a constitutional petition against this amendment against GoP in the Sindh High Court.-PR

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