Interim distribution for JS IF, JS CF and JS PSF-I announced

30 Dec, 2011

The Chief Executive Officer under the authority of the Board of Directors of JS Investments Limited (JSIL) announced interim distribution for JS Income Fund (JS IF), JS Cash Fund (JS CF) and JS Principal Secure Fund-I (JS PSF-I) for the half year of Fiscal Year 2012, ending on December 31, 2011.
A pay out of Rs 3.00 per unit was approved for the Unit Holders of JS IF, a pay out of Rs 3.00 per unit was approved for the Unit Holders of JS CF while an interim bonus distribution of Rs 5.75 per unit was approved for the Unit Holders of JS PSF I, which takes the total payout for the current fiscal year to Rs 5.50 per unit for both JS IF and JS CF.
Unit Holders who have opted for cash payout will receive cash payment while Unit Holders who have opted for bonus units were allocated units at the ex-net asset value at the close of business on December 25, 2011. The above entitlement will be paid to the Unit Holders, whose names appeared in the register of Unit Holders at the close of business on December 25, 2011.-PR

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