'Aman Ittehad' rallies on January 1 to mark 'Solidarity Day 2012'

31 Dec, 2011

On January 1, 2012, 'Aman Ittehad' will organise public rallies in 140 locations across Pakistan to mark 'Solidarity Day 2012'. Thousands of citizens in villages, towns and cities will join the rallies. They will call upon all state institutions to play their due role within the parameters defined by the Constitution of Pakistan.
They will also express their firm commitment to uninterrupted democracy and the supremacy of parliament, reiterating their belief that these are critical for stability and peace in the country.
This was stated by representatives of various civil society organisations and 'Aman Ittehad' in media briefing on Friday at Lahore Press Club. They announced that Lahore Peace rally will be held on January 1, 2012, starting from Aiwan-e Iqbal, on Egerton Road. The rally will be joined by thousands of peace activists, youth, women rights groups, trade unions and citizens.
'Aman Ittehad' demands urgent actions to prevent any form of tyranny and injustice. It calls on the state to promote harmony and tolerance among communities and religious groups. It encourages celebration of diversity and strives for citizens' cultural and religious freedoms.
On 'Solidarity Day 2012', citizens will express their contempt at the unabated torture and target killings, and kidnappings that continue to cause untold misery to people across Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. The state's failure to stem the tide of violence or to apprehend culprits reflects the kind of lawlessness that no civilised society can tolerate. 'Aman Ittehad' demands urgent and exemplary action against all those who have failed to protect citizens' lives. It urges immediate steps to reject any use of force or coercion and instead devise a political solution to redress long-standing grievances of the people of Balochistan. A roadmap to peace must be made which should reflect the aspirations of the people of the province and respects their right to resources and opportunities.
'Aman Ittehad' also condemns all forms of violence and persecution in the name of ethnicity, sect or religion. The state's failure to apprehend perpetrators of the recent spate of kidnappings and killings has further increased public anxiety and encouraged greater impunity among perpetrators that are allowed to roam free without fear or reprisal. 'Aman Ittehad' reiterates that protection of lives, livelihood and liberty of all citizens, irrespective of sect, religion, gender, class or clan, is the duty of the state to which it must be held accountable. The state must implement laws that protect citizens against violence and repeal discriminatory laws.
'Aman Ittehad' believes that years of military rule and poor governance have arrested the growth of the country and produced numerous challenges that require bold, innovative, and sincere solutions. Consistent exploitation of people by unaccountable authority and incompetent administration in utter disregard of citizens' interests has brought multiple miseries and deprivation. Crippling shortages of utilities like gas and electricity are a reflection of poor governance, misplaced priorities, and the lack of accountability. 'Aman Ittehad' demands increased investment in public utilities that can be achieved by reducing non-development and military spending. It also demands education, health, justice and equal opportunities for all citizens so that they may live in dignity. It demands that the state must direct its special attention and effectively use public resources to ensure the wellbeing of the poor. This will require a fundamental shift in Pakistan from a security state to a social welfare state.
'Aman Ittehad' is a citizen platform that is striving for peace, democracy and justice in Pakistan. 'Solidarity Day' is an expression of the power of ordinary citizens, and a call to exercise their choice and free will. Media briefing was addressed by Irfan Mufti, provincial convenor of 'Aman Ittehad', Ms Mumtaz Moughal (of Aurat Foundation), Ms Umm-e-Laila Azhar (of Home Net Pakistan), Ghulam Fatima ( of Bonded Labour Federation Front), Ms Robina Jamil (of Working Women Organisation), Ms Bushra Khaliq (of Wise Organisation), Peter Jacob (of Justice and Peace Commission of Pakistan), and Farooq Tariq (of Labour Party Pakistan).

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