Need stressed to promote debate culture

31 Dec, 2011

Spokesman of the Punjab government Senator Pervez Rashid said on Friday that debate culture should be promoted in all academic institutions to discourage intolerance and extremism. Journalists and politicians should also listen to each other's views patiently, he said while speaking at the concluding ceremony of a four-day media workshop, organised by Unified Media Club (UMC), here at the Punjab University's Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) on Friday.
Senator Rashid said debate culture in the academic institutions was discouraged during Zia-ul-Haq era, which resulted in intolerance in society. Dean of Social Sciences Professor Dr Muhammad Hafeez, in his address said every person would have to play his role in the development of society.
The government should patronise the system of research and think tanks and provide sufficient funds. Out of 1600 think tanks of the world, 1300 think tanks are working for the US. The government should formulate its policies from the universities' researchers, he added. Ahsan Raza, in his address said progress in the field of journalism could be made in Pakistan by following techniques of foreign countries.
Anchorperson and senior journalist Najam Wali Khan said journalism was a prophetic profession and the media-persons should also follow media ethics. He urged the journalists to be committed with their professional responsibilities. Faisal Bin Naseer thanked the participating students of Punjab University ICS, Lahore College for Women University, Kinnaird College, UMT, FCC University and other journalists.

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