Good out of bad

01 Jan, 2012

We must accept that whenever we have any thing bad there will be something, which we will get good out of. Few are the following instances: We curse electricity's high rate and loadshedding which is bad but we forget that there is good in it for example:
(1) we consumed less electricity units due to 3 to 6 hours loadshedding; (2) since electric units consumed is less then our electric rate slab is reduced; (3) electric appliances used less than normal so their life span increased; and (4) TV and other entertainment switched off early as a result children go to bed early and become active in their educational centres.
We are afraid of snatching, kidnapping, looting, shooting, terrorism etc due to bad law and order situation, which is bad but we forget that there is good in it for example (1) we prefer to be at home as a result, family member do more homework; (2) money saved which we usually spend on entertainment etc on road and movement; (3) Our belongings are safe from theft; and (4) we are safe from torture.
We blame unemployment and inflation, which are bad but we forget that there is good in it for example (1) we prefer to be stick to the present job and enjoy future benefits; (2) money in the pocket so does not encourage you in wasteful expenditure, picnic and other outings; and (3) spend more time with family and relatives which is not possible in employment.
Businesses shut down in a weak economy, which is bad, but we forget that there is good in it for example (1) businessmen go abroad for recreation which is not possible during business days; (2) businessmen save huge money from not paying workers and energy non-utilisation etc; and (3) worker spend more time with their families.
Strikes and bomb blasts are bad but we forget that there is good in it for example (1) children and workers enjoy holidays; (2) size of families reduced due to death so we control expenditure; and (3) get money and valuable for families from looting in the strikes and volunteering in bomb blast rescue operations.
When our health is not good as an impact of unemployment, inflation, no saving, no proper education, no proper food, which is of course is not good, we forget that there is good in it, for example (1) we die early so are saved from tension, (2) head of the state takes the credit for population control.

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