Turbulent situation in tribal areas: Fata's elected representatives asked to resign

01 Jan, 2012

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Khyber Agency, asked the elected representatives from Fata to resign after growing turbulent situation in tribal areas and appealed the Supreme Court to take suo moto notice of the prevailing human rights violation in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
Speaking at press conference, the PTI Chief organiser, Khyber Agency, Iqbal Afridi said that rulers failed to resolve the issues confronting the tribal society. Flanked by party's other members, Engr. Noor Alam, Haji Khan Rehman Afridi, Amin Zada, and Rahmatullah, he said that there it was needed to put the names of corrupt rulers on Exit Control List (ECL) not to escape from the country. The looted national exchequer should also be recovered from them, he demanded.
Afridi said that the parliamentarians are trying to escape following their poor performance, but, added that PTI will expose the faces of the corrupt rulers after coming to power. He said that the corrupt rulers have undermined the country economically, socially and in other aspects since its inception as independent state. He said the rulers have failed to adopt pro-masses policies and to make country a welfare state. He maintained PTI a sole force to pull out the country of this messy situation. Owing to wrong policies of present alliance in government, he said the country's sovereignty and integrity are on stake.

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