Partly Facetious: Lack of planes is Tarin's fault?

10 Jan, 2012

"The President has assured the people of this country that the PPP's election slogan will remain roti kapra aur makaan... And for anti-democracy people like you, let me assure you that the aur is not to be mistaken for the English or. In other words, the aur means and."
"You are being facetious today."
"No, I think our President is kinda taken by people's mindsets, and his own party's mindset, he assured the jiyalas, would continue to be determined by the father of the PPP, Z A Bhutto."
"Mindset changes over decades doesn't it?"
"You don't change a good thing."
"I agree, but my point is simple: roti kapra aur makaan are not what the people of this country are missing these days."
"What do you mean?"
"The slogan should be electricity, gas and a railways that works, a PIA which..."
"Lack of planes by PIA is Shaukat Train's fault."
"Come off it. Don't you think the decision to buy planes should have been taken by the PIA management, installed by the powers that be."
"PIA didn't have the money - your and my tax rupees were to pay for them."
"So, wasn't it preferable to first sort out poor governance in the entity and then purchase the plane?"
"No, such options come once in life time as the President stated and..."
"You can't look at purchase by PIA as an individual business decision. Where public money is to be spent, and if the entity, in this case PIA doesn't have the profits to plough back into the system, it is critical to first sort out the governance issues."
"They are still not sorted out. Institutions are collapsing..."
"Hey, they are not collapsing - they have weakened."
"But you can't hold the former government responsible for weakening the institutions four years after you took over power."
"That's the parliament's fault. The president is only involved in evolving institutions."
"Not much of an evolution is it, if it's downhill."
"You are so anti-democracy."

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