Personal accountability

15 Jan, 2012

The slogans of accountability are becoming very popular. Innocent people in euphoria are thinking of a system where in every department would work in a way that all their problems would be solved. Let's not live in fools' paradise and make ourselves victims of political gimmicks.
Accountability is an everyday affair. It is accepting responsibility for the actions taken and giving explanation of how much they were fruitful and why there is failure. It leads to adopting a new strategy to minimise the negative effects and seek success. The first step holding ourselves accountable.
This is where we are always reluctant. We exclude ourselves from the process and start criticising and blaming others for all the wrongdoings. A change will only come and things will only improve when we as Pakistanis become aware of our role and take full responsibility of our actions. When we think of having a control on our immediate actions, our approach would be positive. When self is involved, we are more cautious. Such an attitude would help to improve the relationship and working environment. When self-esteem increases, people would show respect leading to achievement.
A simple formula for accountability is to understand our goals, take actions, have feedback and then take responsibility. Accountability is a commitment to utilise our potential and knowledge for the benefit of self and others. A good person is one who sets a personal example, learns from the past, optimises the present and perceives the future as well. Today what we need is personal accountability first which would open the doors of credibility and transparency.

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