The Senate was informed on Thursday that an amount of Rs 66.33 billion was disbursed among 3.081 million families during the last two financial years under Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). Giving the details Minister of State for Production Khawaja Shiraz Mehmood told the House during question-hour that an amount of Rs 32 billion was disbursed during financial year 2009-10 and Rs 34.33 billion were disbursed during financial year 2010-11.
He said the BISP envisages cash grants of Rs 1000 every month to the female of each deserving household having monthly income less than Rs 6000. Shiraz said under Waseela-e-Haq Programme, a total of Rs 135 million were disbursed among 1,294 beneficiaries during the last two financial years.
He said under the programme interest-free loan worth Rs 300,000 is being provided to the each beneficiary that is payable in instalments over a period of fifteen years. Shiraz said under Waseela-e-Sehat Programme, 2.047 million families were benefited through a sum of insurance of Rs 204.784 million up to the end of last financial year.
He said under the Pakistan Baitul Maal, Rs 5.826 billion were disbursed during the last two financial years, while under People's Works Programme, an amount of Rs 26.349 billion was disbursed during the last financial year. To a question, minister in-charge establishment division Riaz Hussain Pirzada said that under Aghaz Haqooq-i-Balochistan various employment-related initiatives have been taken by the federal government.
He said 4,862 posts have been identified, under six percent quota of posts in federal government for persons belonging to Balochistan and appointments have been made on 2,400 posts while recruitment on other posts is in process. To another question, leader of the house in Senate Syed Nayyar Hussain Bukhari said that the sub-committee of Cabinet has regularised the services of 150 junior lady teachers working on daily wages basis in the institutions under the federal directorate of education.
He said cases of 181 junior lady teachers who have completed three consecutive tenure of 89 days up to the end of last year will be forwarded to the sub-committee of the Cabinet for regularisation after creation of the posts by the finance division. Replying to a question, minister of state for production Khawaja Shiraz Mehmood said an amount of Rs 170.465 million has been paid by the government for writing off the loan of residents of Swat district by the National Bank of Pakistan.
Meanwhile, two reports were laid before the House. Minister of State for Production Khawaja Shiraz Mehmood laid the annual report of Competition Commission of Pakistan for the Financial Year ended on 30th June 2010. The other report on the observance and implementation of principles of policy in relation to the affairs of the federation for the year 2008-09 and 2009-10 was laid by leader of the house Syed Nayyar Hussain Bukhari. The session was adjourned to meet again on 10am on Friday.