Rapid Mass Transit, Solid Waste Management: Greater Municipality of Ankara to extend help to Islamabad

10 Mar, 2012

The Greater Municipality of Ankara, the sister city of Islamabad, would extend its full cooperation to the Federal Capital of Pakistan, in the areas of Rapid Mass Transit, Solid Waste Management and development of Ankara Park in Islamabad.
This was decided in a meeting of Chairman Prime Minister Task Force on Islamabad Faisal Sakhi Butt and Mayor of Ankara Melih Gokcek, wherein both sides have agreed to develop further cooperation on the issues of common interest including provision decent public transport facilities, up-gradation of the civic services and improvement of the cultural and recreational facilities in line with needs of the modern metropolitans around the world and are likely to sign formal agreements to this effects.
Melih Gokcek said that it is indeed fitting that our capital cities, Islamabad and Ankara, have already embarked on a long-term partnership to link municipalities, city governments, business and cultural communities and citizens. I feel confident that this co-operative venture will be highly beneficial to the citizens of both capitals who have much in common and serve as beacons of culture and brotherhood for their respective nations. He also offered architectural and technical assistance to the Capital Development Authority (CDA) to redesign and develop other parks and playgrounds in the capital city. Sakhi Butt said that Pakistan highly values its relations with Turkey which are rooted in history and common culture. We consider ourselves as the same nation living in two different geographical regions.
He said that primary purpose of my visit is to observe and admire Turkey's glorious past, learn from its dynamic present and visualise its unlimited future. Its people are no longer satisfied with being merely rich and prosperous, but envision for their country a role and a mission in the region and far beyond. Consequently, Turkey is not only the envy of many of its neighbours, but has also become a beacon of hope and inspiration to many countries, particularly in the Islamic world.
He said that the concept of making Islamabad a model metropolis ranges from providing state-of-the-art civic facilities, conveniences and environment to the social uplift of marginalized citizens within the capital. He said that Islamabad is the future hub of transit trade both from East to West and South to North.
Islamabad is also the gateway to the world's two greatest and oldest trade routes called the Afghan Transit Trade and the Silk Route leading to China. Butt also sought technical assistance from Turkey for improving the landscape of the metropolitan, building a slaughter hose in the federal capital, redesigning the parks and improvement of the civic services.

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