DFC observes 'Balochistan Solidarity Day'

10 Mar, 2012

Difa-e-Pakistan Council, a coalition of over 40 religious and political parties, observed Balochistan Day across the country on Friday to express solidarity with the Balochistan people and to stress for the solution of their problems on emergency basis.
The DPC held a big Balochistan rally in front of the Lahore Press Club which marched on various roads of the provincial capital demanding of the government to keep Nato supplies routes closed and release the missing persons. Addressing the rally Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, Amir of the banned Jamatul Dawa said that no Baloch leader is working for separation of Balochistan from Pakistan. Baloch people have always made it clear that fate of Balochistan is linked with Pakistan and the so-called Balochistan separation movement is nefarious propaganda of India and the United States.
Saeed said Baloch leaders are patriotic; however, India and the US are carrying out misleading propaganda to destabilise Pakistan. He said Pakistan was achieved in the name of Islam and it would remain a united country till eternity. He said no power can cast an evil eye on Pakistan and harm the sole Islamic atomic power and the Pakistani nation would not allow the US, India and Israel to complete their agenda in Balochistan.
He said the DPC would hold a big rally in Quetta next month which would be attended by all Baloch leaders. A Jamaat-e-Islami press release said that demonstrations were held after Juma prayers in major cities including Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Quetta and Peshawar. Prominent leaders from different parties of the DPC while addressing the rallies called upon the government to accept the genuine demands of the Balochistani people; stop the military operation there and recover the missing persons. They said that the whole nation stood with the people of Balochistan and urged the rulers to take effective and concrete steps for solving the problem of the province instead of making hollow promises.
Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, while addressing the Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, said that unfortunately, the rulers considered military operation as panacea for all ills and had tried it time and again although it had always horrible results. Military action in East Pakistan ended up in the emergence of Bangladesh. He said, fifth military operation was going on in Balochistan due to which, the situation was getting worse day by day.
However, he said, the situation is not out of control as yet. In fact, the US has been working on its agenda in Balochsitan since long as it wanted to split the area in Afghani, Iranian and Pakistani Balochistan, occupy its rich resources and also to use it for attacking Iran and Pakistan after its exit from Afghanistan.
"It was tragic that instead of striving to resolve the issue, the Pakistani rulers were advancing the US interests. The international media revealed the US designs long time back but the rulers kept upon sleeping with the result that the feelings of hatred in Balochistan people got deep", he added. He said it was ridiculous that the government that had doled out Rs 380 million for Senate seats should be content only to call APC on Balochistan. He deplored that the ministers and parliamentarians from Balochistan are also not worried about the Balochistan situation and are only interested in their perks.

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