Researcher warns against rapid changes in public lifestyle

10 Mar, 2012

Rapid changes in the lifestyle of the people in Pakistan have increased their risks to varied ailments with oral cancer as one of the most prominent disease, said a US based medical researcher of Pakistani origin Dr Kamran Awan. Incidence of oral cancer is rising at a rate of 30% in Pakistan with youth and women being the most vulnerable sections, said Dr Awan.
The Baqai graduate in his detailed presentation at a session on Oral Cancer organised by Baqai Medical University said concoctions as niswar, gutka, mainpuri-with tobacco as basic ingredient have emerged as major cause of oral cancer among the people. "It is not in Pakistan only but India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are equally exposed to the problem with no less than five percent population reporting with the ailment," said the researcher. Dr Awan also mentioned increase in the use of alcoholism and hard drugs among people pertaining to different age groups.

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