Sindh Assembly denounces move aimed at break-up of province

10 Mar, 2012

The Sindh Assembly on Friday unanimously passed a resolution denouncing the wall-chalking campaign and demonstrations in the city demanding Muhajir province and called for a thorough probe to ascertain as to who are behind the movement to 'break up' Sindh.
But, a legislator of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Moin Pirzada, invited the house's attention towards finding the reasons which led to wall-chalking across the city demanding a separate federating unit in the country for Muhajirs. However, MQM also supported the resolution to pass it unanimously. During the Sindh Assembly's session, which held here with Speaker Nisar Khohro in chair, a condemnation resolution was tabled jointly by scores of legislators from Pakistan People's Party (PPP), National People's Party (NPP), and Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PML-F), stating the house condemns the wall-chalking demanding a Muhajir province, which, they said, was an attempt to disintegrate Sindh.
The resolution also urged upon the Sindh government to probe into the matter for ascertaining as to who are key players behind the move, which has created discontentment among people of the province. Sindh Culture Minister, Sussui Palijo said the wall-chalking had created discontentment among the people of Sindh and the government should investigate it to find out the mastermind behind the campaign.
She said the movers of the campaign should be exposed. She hoped that there would be no such political party, which would back the demand to break up Sindh. She said no one could dare to bring any changes to the geographical confines of the province. She said the issue of demand for a separate province in Sindh was very sensitive. She warned that the movement of breaking-up Sindh would never succeed rather such adventurism would lead to civil war in the province.
Moin Pirzada said that all people living in the province were Sindhis and no body would support disintegration of Sindh. However, he pointed out that on the other hand, slogans of Sindhodesh were also being raised while rail tracks were being exploded which should also be a cause of concern. He said the people of Sindh had rejected those who wanted disintegration of the province and the separatist movements.
He said MQM would never support any movement, which would result in break-up of the province. However, he said, there should be a serious effort by the PPP and MQM to ascertain the reasons behind the movement. Sindh Education Minister Pir Mazhar-ul-Haq termed the elements behind the wall-chalking "enemy" the country. He said such drives were aimed at creating disturbance and feuds amongst the people of the province. He said the people of the province had dismissed such demands and urged the people to remain united to get prosperity and foil conspiracies leading to division of Sindh. He said such issues should not be given importance.

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