Jamaat-i-Islami demands speedy trial of major corruption cases

11 Mar, 2012

Ameer Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hassan, has said that the present government has become a security risk for the security and solidarity of the country as it was promoting ethnic and racial biases and groups.
Addressing a group of students from Gilgit-Baltistan attending a training camp organised at the Syed Maudoodi Institute here on Saturday, he said that the government wanted to prolong the Balochistan issue to the point of no return and it was time for the patriotic forces to rise for foiling its designs.
Replying to questions from students, Syed Munawar Hassan said that the masses are eagerly awaiting the Supreme Court verdicts in major cases including that of Asghar Kahn, the NRO, the Contempt of Court, the Hajj scandal, the NLC, Rental Power, so that the truth was out.
He pointed out that the JI had repeatedly denied receiving any money from the ISI and had been demanding that the JI man who received the ISI fund should be made public. He said that the present government was the product of the NRO. Under the NRO, thousands of criminals facing trial and also in prison had been acquitted. Both Benazir Bhutto and Mian Nawaz Sharif had returned to the country after a deal with Pervez Musharraf. The corruption case against Asif Zardari pending in Switzerland was also withdrawn. He said that hundreds of cases involving corruption of billions pending before the Supreme Court should also be expedited and those involved in the plunder of public money must be punished under the law of the land.
Meanwhile, the JI Ameer had a detailed meeting with the Chinese Ambassador in Islamabad, Liu Jian at which the leader of the Chinese ruling party, Dugenvi was also present. At the meeting, the JI Ameer told the Chinese envoy that the grant of the self determination right to the people of Kashmir was essential for the stability in the region.

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