The case of Waheeda Shah

11 Mar, 2012

After seeing the decision of the Election Commission of Pakistan on the basis of a majority, my sympathies for the first time were diverted to Waheeda Shah for the simple reason that the Commission has done justice to her perhaps in the style of Punjabi movies. Unfortunately, a very dangerous trend has been introduced in our country where justice is meted out on the basis of reports and comments appearing in the electronic media. Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah has rightly said: "An offender was not expected to be penalized twice for a single offence."
No doubt, she had taken a wrong step by slapping a lady official of the Election Commission but she had already tendered an apology and the affected lady had also forgiven her. She had already faced the wrath of our aggressive electronic media for many days who broadcast the act repeatedly, misusing technology, along with their highly objectionable remarks.

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