China frees 24,000 abducted women, kids in 2011

12 Mar, 2012

Chinese police rescued more than 24,000 abducted children and women last year, some of whom had been sold for adoption or forced into prostitution as far away as Angola, officials said Sunday.
Trafficking of women and children is a serious problem in China - blamed in part on the strict "one-child" policy, which has put a premium on baby boys - and activists say the cases uncovered by police are just the tip of the iceberg.
The Ministry of Public Security said in a report posted on its website that police across the country had rescued 8,660 children and 15,458 women in 2011 - all victims of trafficking.
The ministry added that authorities had cracked nearly 3,200 trafficking gangs last year, including a ring that sent Chinese women to Angola and forced them into prostitution.
"In November 2011, the public security ministry dispatched a police team to Angola... and detained 16 suspects and freed 19 Chinese women," it said.
Police also discovered that more than 2,000 children had been abducted and sold for adoption in 2011 - a big problem in China where couples unable to conceive or wanting a son, or male heir, can adopt from any source.
In November last year, for instance, police in the eastern province of Shandong broke up a human trafficking gang that bought babies from poor families and sold them on for as much as $8,000.
Abductions and trafficking in China have caused huge public concern, but despite regular government vows to crack down hard on the crime, incidents still emerge on a regular basis.
In one scandal that shocked the nation, authorities in 2007 found that thousands of people had been abducted and forced into slave labour in brickyards and mines across China.

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